Maji's Market Minute October 7, 2022

Importance of Flood Insurance

In today’s Maji’s Market Minute, we’re going to discuss Flood Insurance and its importance after Hurricane Ian.
I think we can all agree that was catastrophic and unfortunately, many of those homeowners did not carry Flood Insurance.
Even if you’re not in a flood zone, you really need to carry Flood Insurance. This is of utmost importance. Otherwise, you’re going to have a major issue getting a claim through, especially during a hurricane.
I am going to be discussing other options for Flood Insurance and policies that you can get in addition to FEMA which would be very interesting for most homeowners.

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Maji Pace Ramos,
Maji Ramos Real Estate Advisor, P.A
• Miami Realtor since 1993
• 2nd Generation Realtor
• Negotiation Specialist
• Market Trends Specialist
• Miami native
305-519-7940 |